Healthy competition – Romans 12:10 | 2-minute daily bible meditation


Are we following Romans 12:10? Paul’s instruction is challenging!

Romans 12:10
Love one another with brotherly affectio… (visit YouTube for more)


Romans chapter 12, verse 10. Love one another with brotherly affection, outdo one another in showing honour.

There’s a lot packed into this verse that really isn’t fully expressed in the English. Love one another with brotherly affection. This is all about really, really functional and loving family relationships where everybody looks out for everyone else and everybody not just cherishes, but also nourishes one another. We want the best outcomes for each other. And we are working towards that.

And then outdoing one another in showing honour. So this outdo is more about leading one another and this showing honour is about esteeming the value of a person. So what Paul’s saying here is constantly show each other that you are more and more valuable.

It’s not an unhealthy competition. This is striving, being inspired by one another. Just as athletes racing against one another might see a faster competitor and be spurred on themselves to run faster. Not to defeat the other, but together to create the best possible performance. So we are leading one another and we are showing one another what it is truly to value each other highly.

We are saying that this person was valuable enough for Christ himself, the living Jesus Christ to die for that person. There’s a lot packed into this verse. We are earnestly striving for the best for each other. And that is a challenge. Do we operate like that towards one another all the time?

Lord God, thank you that you sent the Holy Spirit to teach us, to lead us and to grow his fruit in us. Please help us to grow in our love towards one another, our brothers and sisters in Christ and to treat each other with respect and honour the way Jesus taught us. Amen.

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