Is religion evil? – James 1:27 | 2-minute meditation


Some people have come to regard “religion” as a dirty word. In James 1:27, we see a different view.

James 1:27
Religion… (visit YouTube for more)


James chapter 1, verse 27. Religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father is this, to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.

Now, of course, I do understand why religion has become a dirty word. It’s because the world has seen that dark side of people pursuing religiosity. Of building empires, of ignoring this very thing that God wants us to do, which is to look after those who are in distress or poor or needy, those who are afflicted to visit orphans and widows.

In the society to which James was writing orphans and widows were undefended unprotected at the mercy of chance. True religion will not allow this; true religion, the pure religion, the undefiled religion, the religion, the faith that God accepts, insists on protecting those people.

And there’s another aspect to this pure religion, and that is to remain separate from the world, from the darkness of the world. Not to allow all these negative influences that constantly bombard us to change us. This is not to say that we achieve purity through our own efforts. No, this is the power of God at work in us.

But we cooperate with God in this. We don’t ignore the plight of those who are in need. How can we, if we who have received so much from God, do nothing for others? Is that real faith? James would say not.

Lord God, we are so dependent on you. We recognise that. When you give your grace to us, please help us to give that same grace to others. Please in our gratitude and obedience to you, help us to look after those who have no one else to look after them.


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