DUMMY: So ever since I reviewed the Samsung Galaxy S4 Mini, Geek has been whinging that I’m an Apple fanboy. He’s also bleated that I’m not comparing like-for-like products. We took a walk in the local park on a nice sunny day, Geek with his tombstone-sized Galaxy Note II, me with my sleek and svelte iPhone 5
and decided to give the phones a head-to-head. The question: whose was the best smartphone/camera.
GEEK: You are a whiny Apple fanboy.
DUMMY: Whatever. So here are some of the shots we took. First, here’s the iPhone 5 in quite a shaded area:
GEEK: And then the Galaxy Note II:
DUMMY: Both cameras struggled with the transition from shade to bright sunlight but the stand-out winner in this first shot is the Note II. The level of clarity and detail is far superior and to be honest the iPhone 5
image is quite blurry in comparison.
GEEK: Oo, what a surprise.
DUMMY: On to the next picture. The same subject but in brighter sunlight. iPhone 5 first again:
GEEK: And then the Note II:
DUMMY: Curses. I can see the same kind of issues here. The Samsung camera gives greater levels of detail, certainly up close and in the foreground. As you move further back into the mid and background this difference is less pronounced and at a pinch I might argue the iPhone 5 deals slightly better with dark shaded areas.
GEEK: You’re just making this stuff up, aren’t you.
DUMMY: Shuttit! All in all, I’d say its pretty conclusive. The Samsung camera is without doubt superior to the camera in the iPhone 5. Come on Apple, sort your game out!
GEEK: Boohoo.