Sowing Righteousness: A Lesson from Hosea
In today’s episode, we explore the theme of righteousness with guidance from … (visit YouTube for more)
Today we continue some of yesterday’s theme of righteousness with the words of the prophet Hosea in chapter 10 verse 12. Sow for yourselves righteousness, reap steadfast love, break up your fallow ground, for it is the time to seek the Lord, that he may come and rain righteousness upon you.
This is excellent advice from the prophet. Sow for ourselves righteousness. We talked yesterday about how we can pursue righteousness in our lives, how we can invite God to grow righteousness within us. But what is the result here? Hosea says you reap when you sow that, you reap steadfast love, continuing unfailing love from God and in ourselves.
And so he says, break up your fallow ground. He means get ready for God. Get ready for the ground, for your inner person, your soul to be in the best possible condition to receive what God wants to plant into you.
Are there areas of our lives where God is not visibly working? Are there persistent thought patterns? Are there bad patterns of speech that we cannot shake? Break up that fallow ground. Do what you can to rip that to shreds in yourself so that God can plant something better.
It is time to seek the Lord. For you and for me, it is time so that God may rain his righteousness upon us.
God who sees saved sinners in us who follow Christ, he wants to bless us. He may not want to bless us in the way we think he ought to, but nevertheless, he as a loving Father, as an omnipotent God, wants to bless us in the way that he considers is best for us, for our good and for his glory, which is the way he operates at all times.
So will you my friends sow righteousness? Will you break up that fallow ground? Will you seek the Lord? Because it is 100 percent worth it.