Reconnecting with Our First Love: A Spiritual Reflection
In this episode, we reflect on the distractions in our lives t… (visit YouTube for more)
Ask ourselves, have we become too attached towards things that are opposed to the ways of God? This is simply to give us another benchmark, another compass point, that we can turn to and decide whether or not we are going to proceed the way God wants us to.
Lord God, please help us with this. It is very easy for us to be seduced by the things around us, in culture, in our communities, in society. There are many things here that are competing for our attention and are drawing us away from You, Lord. But we want to come back to you, God, and make you once more our first love, knowing that your love is in us and that we are reflecting that love back to you, God. For your glory and for the sake of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Amen.