Learn this first! – Proverbs 9:10 | 2-minute daily bible meditation


Meditating on Proverbs 9:10: Understanding the Fear of the Lord

Join us as we delve into Proverbs 9:10, exploring the m… (visit YouTube for more)


Today we meditate on such a well known, helpful, and popular verse that I can’t believe it’s taken me over a year to get to it. Well, the Bible’s a big book, isn’t it?

We’re meditating on Proverbs chapter 9, verse 10, and I’m sure it will be familiar to you. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is insight.

I often say when we use this word "fear" in connection with the Lord that the kind of fear we’re talking about is not terror fear, it’s reverence fear. We are putting God in his right place. We are recognising that he holds the keys to life and death. He has all authority in this universe.

And we accept that of him and we look to him for everything. We look to him for life. We look to him for guidance. We look to him for help in our relationships and in how we live.

And if you put all those things together, you can see how this reverence fear of the Lord leads to wisdom. Because God, if he shares his knowledge with us about all of these things, makes us wise.

Have you ever thought to yourself, I really don’t know what to say to this person? And then you’ve prayed. And then you’ve received wisdom or insight through the Holy Spirit. It might have sounded like your own thoughts, but you’ve submitted to God there, and you’ve received knowledge from Him.

The knowledge of the Holy One, knowing about God, is itself insight. The more that we read the Bible, and the more that we invite the Holy Spirit to illuminate Scriptures for us, to help us to understand it, the more insightful and wise we become.

There is so much wisdom in the Bible from the beginning to the end, often wisdom that looks initially to us like foolishness because culture has told us about a different kind of wisdom that’s no wisdom at all. And so, my friends, I urge you to start with the fear of the Lord, to seek and pursue his wisdom. In this way, we lay down our lives for him.

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