How to keep your cool – James 1:19 | 2-minute daily bible meditation


The wisdom in James 1:19 is universal, isn’t it. How can we apply it to our lives?

James 1:19
Know this, my beloved bro… (visit YouTube for more)


James has yet more wise advice for us in James chapter 1, verse 19. Know this, my beloved brothers. Let every person be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger.

This is a solution, isn’t it, for some of us who are quick tempered. Being quick to hear. Making sure that our first priority is to hear the other person.

Not just to listen, but to hear, to take in, to give our full attention. To put down the phone. To make sure that we are in the moment and focused.

Slow to speak. Take time to consider what the other person has said. Take time to consider the circumstances. Take time to take in the emotions and to understand how people are feeling. And this will result in us being slow to anger.

But look at this sequence and look at the characteristics that are described here. Who does this remind us of? Well, the Lord is gracious and compassionate. Slow to anger and rich in love. This is a godly character, isn’t it?

Quick to hear. God is always listening to us and he wants to hear from us. Slow to anger. He has vast patience with us, his subjects.

So let us follow the example of Christ. Let us be more like our Father God, being quick to hear, slow to speak, and slow to anger. And if we can be none of those things, let us call out to the Holy Spirit to do His work in us, to grow that character.

Let’s pray now. Holy Spirit, we do want to be more like Christ, so please help us to be quick to hear, to be present, to listen to others, to listen well, to be guarded in our speech, rightly guarded, not to react all the time, not to lash out, and to be slow in anger, to put grace first, love and compassion.


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