The way to peace – Philippians 4:9 | 2-minute meditation


Philippians 4:9 encourages us to practice what we are taught.

Philippians 4:9
What you have learned and received and he… (visit YouTube for more)


In Philippians 4 verse 9, in some of Paul’s closing remarks to the church at Philippi, we see his truly pastoral heart. He says: What you have learned and received and heard and seen in me, practice these things, and the God of peace will be with you.

This may seem like a bold thing to say: Look at my example and follow it. And yet, if we are truly following our Saviour, then we are examples to others, and that is right and proper.

And we should encourage others, especially those under our authority – the members of our congregation or our children – to follow this example, to put into practice the things that we have shown and taught and evidenced.

We of course, are imperfect and some of our examples will not be good. Still it is good for us to encourage others to practice their faith, to show hospitality, to be loving and generous and kind to all. And in doing that, in practicing our faith, in actually living it out, not merely attending services, the God of peace will be with us. throughout.

Do you lack peace today? Do you feel that your Christian life isn’t where it should be? Then let’s call on God together because he is more than willing to help us and longs to give us his peace.

Father God, you are kind to us and you no longer condemn us. Please help us to walk in a way that is pleasing to you, that is a good example to others, and that demonstrates the good news through how we live. We thank you as you give your peace to us, for you are a God of peace, and love, and justice. Amen.

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