Meditate on 1 Peter 2:24, which once again reminds us of all that Christ bought for us.
1 Peter 2:24
He himself bore ou… (visit YouTube for more)
This is a great passage to meditate on today. 1 Peter 2 verse 24. He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, that we might die to sin and live to righteousness. By his wounds you have been healed.
And that last bit, by his wounds we have been healed, is very often abused to mean something that Peter is not saying here. If we look at it in the context of what Peter has just said, he’s talking about the healing that comes when we die to sin and live to righteousness.
In that way, our souls have been healed. We’ve been healed from the curse of death, the thing that was going to drag us down to the grave. And it’s that transaction of Jesus’s wounds all the abuse and affliction that he received as he went to the cross, that transaction, his wounds, bring our spiritual healing.
And Peter’s interpreting Isaiah 53 verse 5. Where Isaiah is saying, by his stripes, it’s often translated, isn’t it? By his stripes we have been healed. Peter sees that now in its proper context, within the Christ who he has seen. The Christ he’s seen and known and understood.
We must die to sin and live to righteousness. We aren’t merely getting rid of sin. We are heading towards righteousness. And that is what we seize hold of.
So once more, God, we thank you. We thank you for that healing that Christ bought. That salvation that he gives. That we may be dead to sin. We may live in righteousness and we may spend eternity with you. Amen.