Are we parties to oppression? Wittingly or unwittingly? Zechariah 7:9-10 lays everything bare.
Zechariah 7:9-10
“Thus s… (visit YouTube for more)
Zechariah chapter 7 verses 9 to 10 say this, Thus says the Lord of hosts, render true judgments, show kindness and mercy to one another, do not oppress the widow, the fatherless, the sojourner, or the poor, and let none of you devise evil against another in your heart. When we meditate on scripture, One of the things that we can do is ask, how does this directly apply to us?
How does it apply to me? How does it apply to you? What does it mean to render true judgements? To show kindness and mercy to one another. What does that look like? Showing kindness and mercy to one another, this is a character trait that develops through the work of the Holy Spirit. But we can practise it as it grows.
Letting people into a queue. Not retaliating when someone cuts us up on the roads. Treating people better than they deserve. Because we have been treated better than we deserve. We didn’t deserve eternal life. We didn’t deserve to live with God eternally. And that’s what we’ve been given.
And we probably don’t feel like we oppress widows or fatherless or sojourners or the poor. But we often live in societies that create that oppression. Do we see the poor remaining poor and those who are wealthy continuing to stay wealthy? What is this system that creates this separation between those who have so little and those who have so much?
We don’t necessarily get immediate answers to these questions, but we meditate on these things, we chew them over and say, Lord, how will you use me in this way?
Father, thank you for your Word. We don’t always understand it, we don’t always know how to see it through, but please help us to live according to your precepts, according to your standards, according to your truth and justice. Amen.