It’s healthy to meditate on Psalm 90:12, which provides both inspiration and caution regarding the length of our lives.
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Do we have a good sense of who we are, what our boundaries are, what our limits and our limitations are? Let’s look at Psalm 90, verse 12. So teach us to number our days that we may get a heart of wisdom.
Numbering our days means understanding that we are finite, we are limited beings serving an infinite God. Our time on this earth is limited. We are not great, unlimited, mighty beings. Scripture says things like, all men are grass. They wither and are blown away with the wind. We are limited. We number our days. We understand the short time that we have here. So, for what reason? So that we can get wisdom, we can get a heart of wisdom.
Also, numbering our days helps us to value those days. We only have so long on this earth. So let’s make this time worthwhile. Why? Not so that glory goes to us, but so that glory goes to God. He hasn’t put us here as a waste of space, no matter what anybody else might have said about us.
We are valuable to God. We are valuable within His purposes. Whatever those purposes are for our lives. So in numbering our days, we know our limits. But we also know the grace that He’s given us to live as Jesus lived.
Lord God, please help us to think of ourselves with sober judgment, numbering our days, and knowing, one, that we are your created beings, who you love, and two, we have this time to spend and we can make it count so that you are glorified. Amen.