Embracing Humility
In this episode, we reflect on Proverbs 3:7 and its call to avoid arrogance and embrace humility. We… (visit YouTube for more)
Some of my most embarrassing moments have been caused because I didn’t pay attention to this verse. Proverbs 3 verse 7. Be not wise in your own eyes, fear the Lord and turn away from evil.
Be not wise in your own eyes. It is not prudent for us to assume that we are wiser than those around us. Because sooner or later we’ll be found out, won’t we? Our best approach is to start with fearing the Lord, coming to him with reverence and valuing other humans, recognising that they probably know things that we don’t.
One of the evils we should turn from is that of pride. It’s very easy for us to become puffed up, especially if we had particular success in one area or another. Especially if we think we’ve got on a roll in a sport, in a job, in our studies.
We start to suffer from this problem we think we’re accomplished therefore, surely, our view of the situation would be the correct view. No, says the writer of this Proverb, don’t be wise in your own eyes.
Always operate from a place of humility respecting other people, and most of all, respecting God and looking to Him for answers, for solutions, for advice, for wisdom, for clarity in all things. We fear the Lord, we turn from the evil of pride and all other evils.
This doesn’t cripple us, this doesn’t prevent us from moving in what we think to be true. It just affects the way we move, doesn’t it? So that we are moving humbly, always ready to be corrected ourselves, rather than saying, I’m the one who’s right here.
And so, yes, this is one of those Proverbs that nails me and tells me, Rob, you’ve still got a long way to go.
Lord, please forgive me for my own arrogance and lack of humility. Please forgive us, Lord, when we forget that you are the wisest one of all. And to you, we must turn in humility, with awe and reverence and acknowledging that all humans are equal before you in value and we should listen to one another as well as to our Lord and God. Amen.