The True Purpose of Work: A Divine Gift #meditation #biblemeditation #dailydevotional #biblestudy


Finding God’s Purpose in Our Work

This video explores the divine dignity of work as instilled by God, starting from Ada… (visit YouTube for more)


The reason for our work should be to that God has given it to us, that God asks us to work, that God has put dignity into work itself. Right from the start, He gave Adam and Eve work to do, and this work was glorifying to God. And so all work that is not sinful is glorifying to God.

Thank you, God, for this reminder. We know that work that is from you is a good thing, that there can be great satisfaction in being stretched by work, in finding achievement, in solving problems, in helping people, in producing beautiful work. In art, in literature, in technology, in medicine, and in all these areas we can glorify you, God. So please help us to do that with pure motives in our hearts and please forgive us our selfish ambition, because Lord, rather, our greatest ambition should be to serve you truly. Amen.

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