Knowledge brings freedom – John 8:31-32 | 2-minute daily bible meditation


Abide in His Word for True Freedom

In this episode, we reflect on the profound words of Jesus from John 8:31-32. We exp… (visit YouTube for more)


Today we’re meditating on something that Jesus said to his Jewish followers, and they didn’t like it. Will we? John chapter 8, verses 31 to 32. So Jesus said to the Jews who had believed him, "If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free."

The words of Jesus are the truth that we should live, we should abide in because they are going to set us free. What are they going to set us free from?

Well, ultimately, we know that God’s word, we know that the truth and the message of his Messiah Jesus Christ sets us free from the curse of sin. Sets us free from the consequences, the punishment in the next life.

And if we want that, if we want to know that truth, if we want to be set free from it, Jesus is telling us what it is most helpful for us to do: to abide in his word.

And of course, yes, I would say this, I’m running a Bible meditation channel! But this is something that we should do. This is something we need to do, as followers of Christ, who want to be set free: to be in His Word.

And I don’t just mean on a Sunday. I don’t just mean on special occasions. I mean daily. Living, breathing, reading, meditating on, speaking out, praying the word of God, the words of Christ, the living word that sets us free.

If we do that, if we stay soaked in the word, Jesus says, you are truly my disciples. You will come to know the truth. You will have revelation and you will be set free.

And there are so many ways in which God sets us free. He sets us free from our insecurities. He sets us free from our bondage, our slavery to particular, specific, besetting sins. He sets us free to live life abundantly. I want that. Do you?

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