How to be strong, really – Psalm 31:24 | 2-minute daily bible meditation


Finding Strength and Courage in Psalm 31:24

Join us as we meditate on Psalm 31:24, which encourages us to be strong and… (visit YouTube for more)


Let’s meditate today on Psalm chapter 31 verse 24. Be strong and let your heart take courage, all you who wait for the Lord.

This is in a Psalm where David has been encouraging us to take refuge in God, to hide ourselves in him, to run to him when we are threatened or we feel unsafe. But where’s that strength coming from? The strength is coming from God. The strength is coming from the fact that we’re standing on the Rock. The strength is coming from the fact that we are aligning our wills with God’s, we’re going His way. We’re safe in Him.

And so right now, you might not be feeling strong or courageous, but the end of this verse tells us what the solution is for this. It implies it: All you who wait for the Lord.

If you are neither feeling strong nor courageous, wait on God. Press into Him. Meditate on His Word. Speak to Him. Ask the Holy Spirit to fill you anew.

We know from elsewhere in scripture, that when we are weak, then he is strong, then he is able to work through us because we’re no longer fighting against him. We’re no longer trying to go our way. We’ve given up and said, God, your way is so much better than mine. Let’s do that.

Still, whatever you are going through right now may be difficult, may be intimidating, may fill you with fear, so I encourage you, my friend, meditate on this whole Psalm, Psalm 31, and finally, be strong in your heart. Take courage. Wait on God. Let’s pray.

Lord God, I thank you that you love us and you cherish us and you want us to run towards you. You want us to hide under the shadow of your wing where you protect us, where you secure our destiny, our eternal souls.

And as we walk through this life and face so many different challenges, please remind us, God, always to run to you, always to rely on your strength, always to place our hope in you so that we can have courage and that we can face the world. Amen.

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