A Divine Shift: Sacrifice Redefined #meditation #biblemeditation #dailydevotional #sacrifice


The Ultimate Sacrifice: Finding Assurance in Jesus Christ

Discover the meaning of true deliverance and forgiveness thro… (visit YouTube for more)


No longer do we need to go down to the temple to bring our sheep or our pigeons and offer those up as a physical sacrifice. No, we don’t have to do any of that stuff, because Jesus did it once and for all.

We still want God’s help. We still want his deliverance. And it’s still right that we ask him for those things, that we ask him to forgive us from our sins. But we also know with great clarity and assurance that those prayers have all been answered, that they find their ultimate answer in the person of Jesus Christ.

Would you then pray this prayer with me? Help us, O God, of our salvation. For the glory of your name, deliver us, and atone for our sins, for your name’s sake. Amen.

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