Be Steadfast and Immovable: Encouragement from 1 Corinthians 15:58
In this uplifting video, we delve into the powerful … (visit YouTube for more)
There is some beautiful encouragement for us today as we meditate on 1 Corinthians chapter 15 verse 58. Therefore, my beloved brothers, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labour is not in vain.
Paul said "therefore", which links back to what he’s just said about how we have the victory over sin and death, that God has given us that victory. Now, therefore, be steadfast. Keep going.
And when opposition comes against you, be immovable. Stand on the gospel. Advance the work of the gospel.
And know that everything that you do has meaning and purpose when we’re doing what God has asked us to do. We cannot have a more fulfilling life than a life that is dedicated to the ministry of the gospel.
And this isn’t simply telling people about Jesus, this is expressing the love of Jesus to all. Ministering to the sick, the poor, the hurting, showing the grace and mercy and the love of God wherever we go.
Being steadfast in that, doing it always, sometimes no matter how we’re feeling. Because we draw on the resources that God gives us, when we do his work.
Sometimes we feel like we hit rock bottom, but that’s okay, because God is our Rock. We are standing firm.
And so I’m saying this to you, as well as to myself: my beloved friends, be steadfast. Be immovable. Always be full of the work of God, and know that this work is never in vain. It’s for Him. It’s for purpose. We are advancing His kingdom, increasing His rule and reign in our hearts, in our lives, in our communities, and on this earth.
Our God has given us the victory over sin and death, and we need never be shaken. May His blessings fall on you.