God’s Assurance: Be Strong and Courageous
In this inspiring video, we reflect on Deuteronomy 31:6 and its timeless enco… (visit YouTube for more)
Some words that God explicitly said to the Israelites apply no less to those of us who walk with Jesus, and they are very encouraging. So let’s meditate on them. Deuteronomy chapter 31 verse 6. Be strong and courageous. Do not fear or be in dread of them. For it is the Lord your God who goes with you. He will not leave you or forsake you.
He’s saying to the Israelites, don’t be afraid of the people around you, the land that you’re moving into, your enemies, those who oppose you, and who do not recognise God. Don’t be afraid of them.
Because, why? God himself was going with them, his presence was with them wherever they went. And this was intended to inspire them, to give them confidence, to empower them, and also to remind them that they were a holy people with standards to maintain.
And how true is that for us now who live in the light of the sacrifice and the salvation that Jesus Christ achieved? God, through His Spirit, through the work of Jesus Christ, goes with us.
And so we don’t need to be in fear or dread of those who oppose us when we are doing the work that God has given us to do. And I include all our work in that, not just work for the church, everything that God has asked us to do is for Him.
And that includes study, paid work, household chores. God goes with us. We are working for Him.
And He made this promise, which I hear spoken again and again through scripture that he’s not going to leave us or forsake us. At the cross, he turned his back on his son Jesus, so that he would never turn his back on us.
And so this gives us reason, along with the Israelites of that day, to be strong and courageous. Take heart. God is with you, my friend.