Protection for your mind – Ephesians 6:17 | 2-minute daily bible meditation


The Armor of God: The Helmet of Salvation and Sword of the Spirit

In the final episode of our mini-series on the armor … (visit YouTube for more)


We finish our mini series on the armor of God with verse 17 of Ephesians chapter 6. And take the helmet of salvation and the Sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.

So our last protective piece of armor is salvation. We talked yesterday about faith, today we’re looking at salvation. Salvation is an absolute protection for our soul. And so we wear this helmet, we take on board the salvation that’s offered to us through the cross, knowing that the devil can never take our head and neither can anyone else.

And so that completes the list of defensive items of armor. Now we have one last item, and it’s our weapon, the Sword of the Spirit. That is our only weapon in our spiritual battle that’s listed here in Ephesians 6.

And we see Jesus Christ use this weapon mightily when the devil came to tempt him. The devil attempted to twist scripture, and each time Jesus sliced through that attack by responding with appropriately used scripture in context.

And so if we are to be as much use as we can be in the offensive side of spiritual warfare, we must take up the Sword. It’s the word of God. We have to ingest the word of God so that we can wield it.

You cannot speak the words of the Bible unless they’re first in your head and your heart. And this is a key reason for meditating. This is why we dwell so long on one or two verses at a time. We are taking this in.

If we didn’t have this verse in the Bible, if we hadn’t have read it, how would we have known that the Word of God is our sword? How would we have known that we can go on the offensive when attack comes against us?

So, my dear friends, there’s no shortcut for this one. In learning to wield the Word, we have to study it, we have to read it, we have to meditate on it. We don’t get better at this kind of spiritual warfare without practice and training.

Seek out opportunities to learn more about the Word of God. Discuss it with your brothers and sisters in Christ. And then you will be ready when the attack comes. And it surely will.

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