Knocking off the corners – Proverbs 27:17 | 2-minute daily bible meditation


How Iron Sharpens Iron: The Power of Fellowship

In this video, we explore Proverbs 27:17, focusing on the value of inte… (visit YouTube for more)


In Proverbs chapter 27, verse 17, we read this: Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another.

I find often in my work that I greatly value interactions with other members of my team. Because they see things I don’t see. I learn from them. I grow by spending time with them.

I also find in my interactions with people that sometimes I inadvertently cause offence. I don’t want to wound people. I don’t want to upset people. And I certainly don’t want to do anything that harms my witness as a Christian.

And so interacting with these other people knocks corners off me, because I realise that I still have much to learn when it comes to emotional intelligence and social interaction.

And the writer of Proverbs knew that as we interact with one another, we will find our weaknesses, we will find our flaws. We will find things that irritate us that other people do.

And most of the time, almost without exception, the thing we should be asking ourselves is, Lord, how should I change now? What are you teaching me? Do you want me to grow? What have I to learn?

And this is no more true than in the church where we are surrounded by brothers and sisters in Christ. And all of us are flawed and weak and make mistakes.

This effect of iron hitting iron and making it sharper is what God intends for us living as humans in a fallen world. We are to spend time with one another so that we are made sharp and effective as God’s tools, His implements on this earth.

So there’s a caution here for us not to avoid spending time with people, even when we find it painful or uncomfortable, because God is always doing his work in us. I hope that this is an encouraging thought, rather than a scary thought, as you spend time meditating on how this verse applies to you.

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