Lifetime Commitment to Worship: Singing Praises to God
In this episode, we meditate on Psalm 104:33 and the Psalmist’s … (visit YouTube for more)
Psalm 104 verse 33. I will sing to the Lord as long as I live. I will sing praise to my God while I have being.
The Psalmist is saying this is a full lifetime commitment to sing to God, to offer up praise to him with his mouth.
And that should be our decision, that should be our attitude. Whether or not God has gifted us with a beautiful singing voice, God asks of us a sacrifice of praise, and we can give him that in sung worship.
Will we make that decision to praise God as long as we are able? Because that sets us on an excellent course for life. That helps shape our priorities in the best way possible. This turns our attention to God frequently. This is necessary for our spiritual and even physical well being.
My friends, let us turn our hearts to God. Let us seek out those times of worship, at least on Sundays, or whenever it may be that you go to church or worship with other Christians. But also, throughout the week, this is helpful to you. We have so many resources available to us to help us to worship God.
Worship, of course, is much more than what we do when we sing to Him. But we see from the Bible so many recommendations that we do this, that we enter into this melodic worship of God.
Let us choose excellent songs, songs based on scripture, songs that contain rich doctrine. And let us make them our own confession and prayer by singing them to our Maker.
Lord God, I thank you that you have gifted us music and songwriters and hymn writers so that we can do this, so that for our entire lives, we can sing to you and never run out of material that helps us to praise you. Lord God, we lift up our faces to you for our entire lives. Amen.