How God heals your heart – Ezekiel 11:19 | 2-minute daily bible meditation


How God Transforms Us: Lessons from Ezekiel 11:19

In today’s episode, we explore the transformative process God takes u… (visit YouTube for more)


Today, we’re going to focus on the process that God takes us through as he changes us and transforms this, and we’re going to do that through the lens of a prophecy that was given to Israel. Now, it’s specifically given to Israel, but from it, we can see how God works, and so it has value for us.

It’s Ezekiel chapter 11, verse 19. "And I will give them one heart, and a new spirit I will put within them. I will remove the heart of stone from their flesh, and give them a heart of flesh."

And we know what Jesus did when he left this earth to return to his Father, was that he sent his Spirit, he put his Spirit in us. So we know that God puts the work of the Holy Spirit inside us. And he gives us one heart in the sense that we Christians are a united body of Christ together. We are unified and we are working towards a common cause – at least we should be!

And so in all that God does for us, we can see that for us who were not the direct recipients of that prophecy he also softens our hearts. He also grows the Fruit of the Spirit in us, which includes love and patience, and kindnesss and goodness. And in this way, our hearts of stone are softened.

So this tells us a lot about the way that God can change and shape and transform us to reflect the character of Christ. He wishes to renew us, He is renewing us through the process that begins as soon as we accept Jesus, as soon as we repent.

So if at times you feel stony hearted, just call out to God, ask Him to continue His work in you, and He will continue to give us that softened heart of flesh, that kind and compassionate nature, and that unity with other believers.

Thank you, God, that you are at work in us, and you are performing your purposes through us. And thank you that as part of that, you change us and make us more like Christ, and that is all for the good. Amen.

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