Finding Harmony in Faith #meditation #biblemeditation #dailydevotional #harmony #unity #biblestudy


Achieving Harmony Amongst Believers: Understanding Paul’s Prayer

In this episode, we explore Paul’s prayer for harmony … (visit YouTube for more)


May the God of endurance and encouragement grant you to live in such harmony with one another, in accord with Jesus Christ.

So the injunction here from Paul, the thing that he’s praying for, asking for, and seeking in the churches he’s writing to, is this harmony between believers, between those who are followers of Christ. And this harmony is something that’s not in abundance, in modern Christianity. We see a lot of discord, especially between different denominations and sometimes within individual congregations.

So how is it that we achieve harmony? What is it this verse is asking us to meditate on that’s going to help us to achieve that goal of harmony?

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