Find Divine Purpose in Your Work #meditation #biblemeditation #dailydevotional #work #purpose


Finding Purpose in Your Work: Insights from Proverbs 16:3

In this episode, we explore how Proverbs 16:3 can provide mea… (visit YouTube for more)


I work mostly in IT and sometimes I think, what is the point of this? Well, Proverbs today has an answer for us. It’s Proverbs 16 verse 3. Commit your work to the Lord and your plans will be established.

This Proverb tells me, when I meditate on it, that God does care about the work that I do. God cares about all the work that we all do. He ordained right in the beginning that Adam and Eve would have work to do. Work is honourable before God.

And the thing that He wants us to do is to commit it to Him. So at the start of the day, are we saying, God, the things that I’m going to do now, for my employer or for myself if I’m self employed, I want to do them for you, God, first and foremost. I want to achieve your purposes in my work.

And it’s worth doing that, because then the Proverb says, if you commit your work to the Lord, your plans will be established. So if we are going in accordance with God’s principles and His plan, then our plans for our work are going to come to fruition.

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