Are you prepared & ready? – Ephesians 6:15 | 2-minute daily bible meditation


The Gospel of Peace: Equipping Yourself with Spiritual Armor | Ephesians 6:15

In this episode, we single out the elemen… (visit YouTube for more)


Today we’ll carry on looking at the armor that Paul suggests we put on in Ephesians chapter 6. Ephesians 6 verse 15. And as shoes for your feet, having put on the readiness given by the gospel of peace.

This is an amazing part of the preparation that God gives us so that we can walk into this spiritual battle. The gospel, the message of good news about Jesus Christ, of peace. Remember when the angels first appeared to the shepherds to announce the birth of Christ, they said, peace on earth and goodwill to all men.

And so we walk in that gospel. Every time we put our foot down, we do that in accordance with the message that Jesus brought. We are walking, therefore, in truth, in righteousness, in love, in integrity and in grace, because the gospel is a message of grace, the unmerited favour of God that comes to us by virtue of the work of Jesus. We cannot possibly go into any spiritual battle without this, without these shoes on our feet.

And practically then, what does it mean? How do we clothe our feet with the gospel of peace? By making sure we are well acquainted with the Word of God. The Word of God contains all that we need to know about this gospel.

And I’m not just talking about the four gospels. I’m talking about the whole thing. The message of our fallen nature, our tendency to go the wrong way, and God’s loving pursuit of us is there from the first page to the last. Are you clothing your feet with the gospel of peace, my friends?

Thank you, God, for your word. Thank you for the gospel of peace. Thank you that you have put out in black and white all that we need to know about your character, your desire to have relationship with us, and our need of you. Please help us to walk in the knowledge and the truth of this every day, as we champion your message to the world. Amen.

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