Will you revere and serve? – 1 Samuel 12:24 | 2-minute daily bible meditation


Reflecting on God’s Greatness: A Call to Serve Faithfully

In this video, we delve into 1 Samuel 12:24, where the prophe… (visit YouTube for more)


The prophet Samuel said these words to the Israelites. This is taken from 1 Samuel chapter 12 verse 24. Only fear the Lord and serve him faithfully with all your heart, for consider what great things he has done for you.

Samuel gives this injunction to the nation, to the people. Hold God in reverence fear and serve him faithfully, diligently, conscientiously, with your whole heart. Not thinking, oh, I don’t really want to serve God. There are other things I’d rather do. No committing your whole heart to it.

And why should they do that? Because of all the great things God has done for them. Starting with giving them life, giving them a planet to live in. Including the deliverance that they’ve seen, that they’ve witnessed. The way that God has fed them and given them water and clothed them and made them a nation.

And we now, who benefit from the New Covenant sealed in Christ’s blood, have so much more reason to reflect on the great things that God has done for us. And as we reflect on those, as we enumerate them, as we go over them and list them to ourselves, this then provokes us to hold the Lord in reverence fear and to decide in our hearts that we will faithfully serve him with our whole hearts to the end of our days.

What do you make of this verse? Does it speak to you? Are you inspired to serve God with your whole heart? If not, perhaps take a moment to reflect further on this verse, which you’ll find in the description.

Lord God, you have done great things for us. So many, too many to list. And the greatest being the act of salvation borne in the body of your son on the cross. And because of this, may we choose to serve you faithfully to the end of our days. Amen.

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