How Your Company Shapes Your Character: Lessons from Proverbs
In this episode, we explore how the people you surround y… (visit YouTube for more)
If you want to know what you are going to become like, if you want to know how your character is going to be formed, how your personality will be shaped, look at the people around you.
Who are you spending your time with? Are they peaceful people? Are they faithful and devoted? Or are they prone to outbursts? Are they prone to act in an irritated manner?
Proverbs is quite hard down the line on this one. Don’t be friends, it says, with people who are angry, who are wrathful, who are likely to explode. And there are two reasons why we shouldn’t go this way. One is that we will become like them, we will adopt their attitudes and behaviours. And the other is that we’re going to be trapped, we’re going to be caught out. This anger, this explosion is going to hit us. Or worse, we ourselves will explode and injure others.