Who Are You Trying to Please? A Reflection on Galatians 1:10
In this episode, we explore Paul’s warning in Galatians 1:… (visit YouTube for more)
It’s natural for us to want approval from the people that we respect or look up to. But Paul has a warning for us in Galatians chapter 1 verse 10. For am I now seeking the approval of man, or of God? Or am I trying to please man? If I were still trying to please man, I would not be a servant of Christ.
Paul’s speaking from a position of facing fierce opposition to the work that he’s doing in ministry, not just from those who are outside the church, but also from those inside it.
And Paul says. I am single minded when it comes to my priorities. I know who I’m looking to please. I know who my master is, and he’s the one, he’s the only one I need to please. Everything else is secondary to that concern.
And it’s not easy for us to follow in these footsteps, is it? It’s very natural for us to want the approval from parents, from a spouse, from teachers, from church leaders, from our friends. And that’s not wrong, as long as it doesn’t get in the way of us first pleasing God and receiving His approval.
Now we know that He does approve of us, because when He looks at us, covered by the blood of Christ, He sees Jesus. But still, as far as we’re concerned, we should live to please Him. He’s our Father. He’s our Master. He’s our Lord. He’s the one who knows what’s best for our life. So why would we not bring our lives into line with what He wants for us and from us?
And so let us take this warning. If we’ve turned away from that, if we’ve allowed any other priority to rise above that if we are honestly in our hearts trying to please someone other than God first and foremost, Paul says we’re not servants of Christ when we do that.
So let us reset our priorities. Turn back to the way of Christ and say, yes, Lord, we’re serving you. We’re going your way. What is it that would please you?