What are we freed from? – John 8:36 | 2-minute daily bible meditation


True Freedom in Christ: Understanding John 8:36

In this meditation on John 8:36, we explore Jesus’ profound claim about… (visit YouTube for more)


Our Lord Jesus makes another bold and yet true claim in today’s meditation verse, which is John chapter eight, verse 36. So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.

So as we meditate on this, there are two obvious questions, aren’t there? Free from what? And what does that freedom look like? Freed into what?

Now this is in a passage where Jesus is talking about sin, slavery to sin. He’s talking about also the way that the law interacted with us; the law showed us what sin was, but didn’t show us how to be free from sin. The only way to be completely free from sin is through the working of the Son.

So we believers in Jesus are now free from sin in the sense that in the long run we will be able to enter into eternal life and have a perfect relationship with God. We still live with the effects of the fallen nature and the fallen world that we live in. And yet we live free because that sin has no permanent claim on us.

And so that’s what we’re free from. And we are freed into this dramatic change, this relationship with God, this gift of the Holy Spirit living in us so that we are regenerated, we are renewed, we are on a day by day basis, made more like Jesus, if we will allow him to work within us. If we will bow the knee and say, God, yes, your way, not mine.

That is true freedom. That is the freedom that the Son gives us. Freedom from sin and freedom to enter in to an incredible destiny that God has for us. There is no better.

Thank you, Jesus, for setting us free. Thank you that that freedom is permanent and eternal. Thank you that we will live with you forever. Amen.

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