The tenderness of God – Isaiah 40:1 | 2-minute daily bible meditation


Finding Comfort in God’s Word

In this episode, we delve into Isaiah 40:1, exploring the profound message of comfort fro… (visit YouTube for more)


This is a deep and profound verse to meditate on. Isaiah, chapter 50, verse 1. Comfort, comfort my people, says your God.

This is a message from God, revealing some of his character and his intentions towards his people. And we are his people, and we understand then that God wants us to be comforted. Comforted when we are in distress, and comforted when we’ve been disciplined by God, for whatever reason.

God expresses great love and tenderness. Tenderness in all the parental senses. The tenderness that a mother might show to a young baby, and the tenderness that a father might show to a growing son.

This is the tenderness God not only wants to show us, but wants us to show to His people. We are to receive that comfort from God, and then to share that comfort with our brothers and sisters. And as a comforted and thus energised church, we take that comfort out into the world along with the message of grace from God.

I know that many people listening and meditating on this verse with me today have a need for this comfort. So let us reach out to Him together, and recognise not only our duty as children to receive that comfort, but our duty as servants to share that comfort with others.

Lord God, thank you that your heart is revealed through your scripture. Thank you that you love us so much that you do not wish to leave us in distress. That you love the world so much that you do not wish to leave anyone in distress. Please help us then to receive your comfort and also to share it with others as you ask of us. Amen.

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