Simple salvation – John 11:25 | 2-minute daily bible meditation


The Core Message of the Gospel: Belief in Eternal Life Through Jesus

In this video, we reflect on the importance of med… (visit YouTube for more)


Do we need to meditate on the basic, the simple message of the gospel, even if we’re mature in the faith? Yes, I think we do. And that’s why today we’re looking at John 11 verse 25. Jesus said to her, "I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live."

If Jesus could sum up his central message in one short paragraph, then this is it. All we need to do, which is both simple and hard, is to believe in Him, knowing that even if we die in our physical bodies, we shall have our life restored to us in the resurrection. This is the hope that my wife and I have, having lost our son last year, at the tender age of 19, knowing that though he died, yet shall he live, and we will see him again.

How can we go through our Christian walk and not grasp this in all its fullness? This is one of the greatest promises that has been made to us that this isn’t the only life we are going to live. And thank the Lord for that, because often this life on this fallen earth is so difficult. Difficult because of the circumstances around us, difficult because of our own sin that we battle with, difficult because of the evil that is present in this world. And difficult because so many still reject God.

And yet we have this promise. And so let us communicate that to others, but also to ourselves that because we believe in Jesus, even though we face death at some point yet, shall we live.

Thank you, Jesus, for saying these words to Martha, but also ensuring that these words would be recorded in the Gospel of John, so that we can read your words, believe on you, and lean into that promise that you have given us. It is such a blessing. Amen.

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