God’s Purpose: Salvation Over Condemnation
In this insightful episode, we explore the true purpose behind God sending J… (visit YouTube for more)
His purpose here in sending Jesus wasn’t to find out who he could punish and exclude from his presence, it was to find out who he could save. If you look all throughout the Bible and throughout history, you see time after time, God giving so many chances for the evil to amend their ways and turn back to God.
The demands of God’s justice mean that sin must be punished, but he stays his hand and stays his hand and stays his hand because he’s so loving. Until ultimately the demands of justice must be fulfilled, and punishment must come. And even in that, he sends Jesus, so that punishment can fall on the Innocent, so that we are not punished.
We are not a religious order that is constrained by rules and regulations. We are people that God has created, that he wants to save. That’s his purpose. That’s his reason for sending Jesus, not to condemn us.