Holding Fast to the Word of Life: Lessons from Philippians 2:16
In this episode, we explore Philippians 2:16, where Pau… (visit YouTube for more)
In Philippians 2 16, we have an instruction from Paul that is illuminating and challenging. He says: Be holding fast to the word of life, so that in the day of Christ I may be proud that I did not run in vain or labour in vain.
Paul is asking the Philippians and us that we cling on to the word of life ,to the message from God, to all that he’s taught us. And that’s for our benefit of course, but Paul’s also saying he would like some assurance as their teacher, as their elder, as their apostle, that they’re going to continue along the path that he set them on, in order that he knows he wasn’t wasting his time.
We shouldn’t be afraid to see some of Paul’s humanity here. He wants to know that he wasn’t wasting his time in all the teaching, in all the experiences he went through. He wants to know that people heard the message of Christ, that people heard the gospel, that people grew.
And our heart then, as the readers of this, and as the hearers of many messages in our lifetime, should be to make our leaders, our teachers, our spiritual elders, proud in this same way. Wherever we have any kind of spiritual parent, that spiritual parent loves to see their spiritual children doing well.
So are we holding fast to the word of life, my friends? Having started well, are we continuing well? Let us evaluate ourselves and always hold ourselves up to the standard set by scripture. Not so that we’ll feel any sense of condemnation. No. Just to give us something to strive towards.
Lord Jesus, we would like to make our spiritual teachers proud and you proud our Lord, that we are following the way that you have taught us. Please help us in our endeavours. Amen.