Look up to his majesty – Psalm 33:8 | 2-minute daily bible meditation


Reflecting on Psalm 33: The Call to Worship and Awe

In this episode, we consider Psalm 33:8, where the Psalmist calls f… (visit YouTube for more)


In Psalm 33, the Psalmist once more lifts our gaze heavenward. Psalm 33, verse 8. Let all the earth fear the Lord. Let all the inhabitants of the world stand in awe of Him.

There’s a prophetic sense to this verse, isn’t there? Because ultimately, all the earth will have to bow the knee. Everybody will have to acknowledge that Jesus is Lord, whether they want Him as their Lord or not. God has placed him in authority over everything, so ultimately, it really doesn’t matter what our opinion is on that. He will be Lord.

And so the Psalmist says that all the earth should fear the Lord, and this is right. Ultimately our mission here, one of the core tasks that God has left us is to preach his word to everyone so that everyone can come into the knowledge of Christ, can be filled with that reverence fear, that awe of God.

We shouldn’t really be satisfied until all the inhabitants of the world stand in awe of God. Because God is worthy of our worship, our praise, our adoration.

We know sadly that many will not accept this. And yet that shouldn’t stop us trying, for two reasons. One is that God deserves this. And the second, is that we don’t want them to have to experience eternal separation from God.

And so we can adopt this verse as our own prayer. Calling out to God, saying this. Let all the earth fear the Lord. Let all the inhabitants of the world stand in awe of Him. We can say that as a prayer and we can say that as a declaration.

Heavenly Father, you are worthy of all our worship. And if every voice on earth was lifted in praise of you, that still would not complete all the praise to which you are entitled, on account of your majesty, your might, your power, your love, your justice, your noble character. We, Lord God, stand in awe of you. Amen.

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