Vengeance vs Justice: Learning to Forgive and Seek God’s Will
In this episode, we explore the difference between justic… (visit YouTube for more)
Often, if I’m watching a film and there’s a bully in it, I find myself wanting that bully to have his comeuppance. And now I have to ask myself, is it justice I’m thirsting for, or revenge? Because today’s verse that we’re meditating on has something to say about revenge.
It’s Hebrews 10 verse 30. For we know him who said, "Vengeance is mine, I will repay." And again, "The Lord will judge his people."
If someone sins against me, they are also sinning against God. And that is a greater sin, because God is of so much more consequence than I am. So ultimately, we should be asking for God’s justice to prevail, for his will to be done, including in the matter of punishment.
We don’t need to be taking revenge. Actually, we need to be forgiving. Love your enemies, Jesus said, and pray for those who persecute you.
This is not to say that justice is unimportant. By no means. We want justice. We want justice right now in our lands, in our nations, in our communities. But we must not thirst for revenge.