Evil shall not stick! – 2 Timothy 4:18 | 2-minute daily bible meditation


Paul’s Faith in God’s Rescue and Eternal Kingdom: A Reflection on 2 Timothy 4:18

In this episode, we review the Apostle… (visit YouTube for more)


We have an inspiring and heartening declaration of confidence, of faith from the Apostle Paul in his letter to Timothy today. This is from his second letter, 2 Timothy, chapter 4, verse 18. The Lord will rescue me from every evil deed and bring me safely into his heavenly kingdom. To him be the glory forever and ever. Amen.

Paul is going into the closing of his letter here, knowing, or at least suspecting, that he is going to have a violent end to his life for the sake of the Gospel. And yet he says that God himself is going to rescue him from all evil.

And he is setting this example to Timothy, to the churches who will read this letter, and to us. This I would say is the promise of the message of the Gospel for us all, that we are ultimately rescued from all evil deeds. And that we’re then going to be brought safely into Jesus’s heavenly kingdom to be with him.

And we focus on this a lot in meditation because it’s so encouraging to us and it also puts our lives into perspective. Right now, things may seem difficult. The world may seem to be tearing itself apart. You may be having problems with relationships, with friends, with family, with church, with work, with study. And yet, we know, we can say confidently, that God’s going to rescue us from all this evil.

Because ultimately, He will not allow evil to continue. He’s a holy God. He can’t let it continue indefinitely. He will put a stop to it all, and then he will bring us into his presence.

Thank you, God, for this promise, which gives us hope and encouragement, especially when the going is tough. We say, with Paul, to you, to Jesus, to the Holy Spirit, be the glory forever and ever. Amen.

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