The Power of Willingness: Sharing Faith in Everyday Life
This episode underscores the importance of spreading the messa… (visit YouTube for more)
The more people who accept Jesus Christ as their Lord, the more people there will be in heaven. The more people get to live in eternity, in bliss with God.
So this is something that we all want, isn’t it? But we don’t all feel able to speak out what we know to be true.
And Jesus says to you, if that’s you, if that’s how you’re feeling, at the very least, you may pray. You may pray that others will be empowered and pray that you will be empowered too.
We don’t have to be strong and mighty. We don’t have to be eloquent. We don’t have to have a YouTube channel to speak to people about Jesus. We just need to be willing. We need to be willing to take that risk. We need to be willing to look foolish because the reward is worth it. We are talking about eternal lives here.