Embracing True Christian Love
Join us in a reflective meditation on 1 John 3:16, where we explore the profound and chal… (visit YouTube for more)
We’re going to meditate on a beautiful and challenging verse today. It’s 1 John 3. 16. By this we know love, that he laid down his life for us, and we ought to lay down our lives for the brothers.
So it’s beautiful in the sense that Jesus Christ has demonstrated to us what true love is by the laying down of his life. That is an example. It’s not just the act that secured our salvation. It also shows us the way of love.
And the question for us that’s being posed by the Apostle John is, how willing are we to do the same, to follow this example? Will we lay down our lives for our brothers and sisters in Christ?
It might be relatively easy to say as a parent, I would lay down my life for my children. I’d die for them. But would we die for our brothers and sisters in Christ who are our true family?
Of course laying down our lives doesn’t simply mean standing in front of a speeding train. It means putting the priorities, putting the needs of other people above our own. That’s how this becomes really challenging to us, doesn’t it? Especially if we’re living a life that we enjoy. Are we willing to sacrifice some of those things that we enjoy for the betterment of our brothers and sisters in Christ?
What will you do? What will I do that shows we are laying our lives down? That we are living firstly for Christ, and secondly for the family of God on our mission to show his love to the world.
Lord God, this is challenging indeed. And we ask for your help. God, we are very ready to protect ourselves. It is harder for us to be noble as Jesus was noble. And to protect and care for our brothers and sisters and to put them before us. Please help us to follow the example of Jesus and be his true disciples. Amen.