Bringing right gratitude – Hebrews 12:28 | 2-minute daily bible meditation


Rediscovering True Worship: Reverence, Awe, and Gratitude

This episode explores the essence of Christian worship, focus… (visit YouTube for more)


I worry sometimes about the state of Christian worship when it comes down to moving in a time of musical worship. We have such excellent musical resources available to us and they can lead us to focus on God, absolutely. But sometimes they can lead us to focus on an experience and our enjoyment, our pleasure, there’s nothing especially spiritual about it.

Today’s verse brings us back to basics. Let’s meditate on this together. It’s Hebrews chapter 12, verse 28. Therefore, let us be grateful for receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, and thus let us offer to God acceptable worship with reverence and awe.

Now, worship is an all of your life thing. It’s not a few minutes on a Sunday. It’s not specifically musical. Worship is about us bowing down to God. One analogy of worship is kissing the ring. We are saying to God, we’re paying homage to you. We worship and adore you.

And in this verse, we’re told that the kind of worship that’s acceptable to God involves reverence and awe and also gratitude. We have been given something unshakable, our future hope, our destiny, the kingdom of God. Nothing can take that away from us.

And that is a cause for gratitude because everything else in this world can be taken away from us. Tragedy can occur. We can fall into debt or hard times. Loved ones can be taken from us in traumatic and tragic circumstances. But the kingdom of God Can never be taken from us. So we come to God with gratitude.

But we also come with reverence and awe. Where my friends is the reverence and awe in our worship? God is So far above us. He is holy. He is glorious He is all powerful.

So worship for us must always be done with care, never frivolously. Not just as a rut that we fall into. This is a holy God, and we are paying him homage.

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