Be a whistle-blower? – Ephesians 5:11 | 2-minute daily bible meditation


Understanding Ephesians 5:11 – A Call to Expose Darkness

In this thought-provoking episode, we examine the challenging … (visit YouTube for more)


The Word of God can be extremely challenging at times, can’t it? And today, unfortunately, is one of those verses. Ephesians chapter 5, verse 11. Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them.

And for us to meditate on this, what we often have to do is say, what does this verse mean for me? What is it asking of me?

Firstly, I think the first part of the verse is isn’t too difficult. Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness. Don’t be doing dark things. Don’t be attending events where the outcome of that event is going to be dark, sinful, inevitably.

But instead, expose them. Show them for what they are. The second half is more challenging, isn’t it? It means effectively, I think, that we have to be spiritual whistleblowers.

Not goody goodies. Not constantly shouting, look at them, look at them, look at what they’re doing. No, instead, bringing to light the things that are hidden away in darkness avoiding the scrutiny of others, avoiding judgement.

What precisely this means for us is that is going to vary from situation to situation and from person to person. And we absolutely need discernment and guidance from the Holy Spirit for this.

So how we do this is important. It doesn’t necessarily mean Expose these things on the internet. It might just mean, go and have a word with the leaders of your church and then trust those who have been given the authority and the responsibility to deal with these matters, to deal with them appropriately.

What it clearly doesn’t mean, though, in this verse, is do nothing, say nothing, and ignore what we’re witnessing. That’s why I say this is a challenging verse. It calls us to action.

The best thing to do with this verse then is to apply it practically and prayerfully. So I would recommend that you take some time to meditate on this verse that you’ll find in the description and confer with the Holy Spirit and ask Him what He wants you to do today and going forwards. May your prayer and your listening be fruitful.

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