In this episode, we explore the scriptural call to embody peace, a gentle and quiet spirit, and the imperishable beauty … (visit YouTube for more)
We are makers of peace, not war. Peter recommends that we take on these characteristics to the extent that it depends on us. And there’s only so much we can do.
But as I often say, the Holy Spirit is working inside us, growing his Fruit. And by his Fruit, we can achieve that imperishable beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit. Because the Fruit of the Spirit includes love and patience, kindness, gentleness, self control. These characteristics to God are very precious.
Lord God, thank you that you made us beautiful and you are making us more beautiful. Thank you that you are conforming us into the likeness of your Son. Please help us then to put on that imperishable beauty, that gentleness, that quietness of spirit. Lord, we want to be precious to you and we thank you that we are. Amen