Embracing God’s Discipline: Lessons from Hebrews 12:5
In this episode, we explore the concept of discipline within Chri… (visit YouTube for more)
Discipline doesn’t have to be a difficult or dirty word in Christian circles. Listen to this from Hebrews chapter 12, verse five. And have you forgotten the exhortation that addresses you as sons? "My son do not regard lightly the discipline of the Lord nor be weary when reproved by him."
My wife and I have been through a particularly difficult time in our experience as parents from when our boys were born with profound additional needs up to the present day when we lost one of our boys just last year. And we now continue to care for his twin, who has a learning disability.
And this beloved friend of ours, a brother and father in the faith said to us, "God has you in the discipline of your circumstances." I can tell you, I didn’t particularly like hearing that but it did help me to understand how God trains and moulds and shapes us. The discipline of your circumstances may be uncomfortable, but God is doing a work in you through those circumstances.
If it helps, think of the term "military discipline" when soldiers are trained to follow instructions well and to be the best soldier they possibly can be. Discipline is good for us, especially when it comes from a loving God. And so this is why the writer of the Hebrews says, don’t take this lightly and don’t be weary of it. We can trust His discipline, and we can receive it even with gratitude, knowing that it is for our good and for His glory.
Lord, please help us with this, particularly when the discipline that You put us through is difficult for us to bear. We know that You are stretching and shaping and training us and causing us to grow in the Fruit of the Spirit. Thank you that you love us enough to do this for us, because you treat us as sons and daughters, because you have adopted us as your own children. Thank you, Lord, our Father. Amen.