How to walk in the light – 1 John 1:7 | 2-minute daily bible meditation


Walking in the Light

Join us as we meditate on 1 John 1:7, reflecting on what it means to ‘walk in the light’ as Jesus … (visit YouTube for more)


Today we meditate on 1 John, chapter 1, verse 7. But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, cleanses us from all sin.

What does it mean to you, my friend, to walk in the light? I think, for me, it means that we are walking in accordance with the truth that’s been revealed to us by scripture. It starts from a moment that we repent, we turn away from our old lives and turn towards the path that Jesus Christ set out for us.

It means walking in his truth, accepting that what he said was true and that the guidance that he gave us for living our lives is sensible, acceptable, godly. It means walking with purity, turning away from the things that make us dark and sinful.

It means making good choices in how we spend our time, in what we think about, in what we watch and read. It means pointing our lives towards holiness.

It’s not easy to achieve holiness. Is it even possible for us to be 100 percent pure in this life? Maybe not, but the choice that we can make is to point ourselves, to direct our lives towards holiness and purity and truth.

And in all these things, we benefit from fellowship with God. He accepts us, whether or not we’re walking in truth and purity, on the basis of us having repented and accepted his Son. But his fellowship and the working of the Holy Spirit in our lives brings this light into us. And then we shine that light into our communities and into our relationships with our brothers and sisters and with those in the world.

Lord God, please help us. As you are the light God, and as your light is reflected in us, we wish to walk in that light. For this, we need you, we need your Holy Spirit, we need the truth of Scripture, and we need the model that your Son set. Thank you for all these things you give to us. Amen.

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