Will God always lead us? – Psalm 139:10 | 2-minute daily bible meditation


Reassurance in God’s Omnipresence | Psalm 139:10 Meditation

In today’s meditation, we explore Psalm 139:10, which reass… (visit YouTube for more)


Today’s meditation verse needs a little context, but let’s read it first. It’s Psalm 139, verse 10. Even there, your hand shall lead me, and your right hand shall hold me.

Even there. Where? The Psalmist has said, Where can I go from your presence, Lord? As far away as I can possibly run from you, even there, you’ll still be with me, your hand leading me, your right hand holding me. The point is, we cannot escape from God.

And that’s a good thing, because God is good. We don’t need to escape from Him. Sometimes we want to hide from Him, because we feel guilty, because we are holding on to our sin. But we can’t escape from God.

Job learnt that the hard way. He tried to flee from his duty. He ended up in a boat, and then in the sea, and then in the fish. And God was still with him, wherever he went.

So there’s great reassurance we can take from this verse that no matter what circumstances we face, no matter how dark the road seems, that we are walking down, even there, God is with us. He is leading us at all times. If we only reach out for his hand. His hand is there holding us.

And sometimes we feel like God isn’t there and all I can say to you, my friend, is that our feelings lie. Sometimes our feelings are just wrong. God is always here. He can’t deny himself. He can’t deny his omnipresence. His hand is always leading you, is always leading me, is always holding us.

Thank you, Lord for these promises that you are never going to leave us that you are always there for us. You are the most constant thing in our life, in our world. You are our everything. Amen.

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