Why should we work? – Psalm 128:1-2 | 2-minute daily bible meditation


How to Receive God’s Blessings: Insights from Psalm 128

Discover the secrets to being blessed by God as we meditate on … (visit YouTube for more)


Do you want to be blessed? Well, check out Psalm 128, verses 1 to 2. A song of Ascents. Blessed is everyone who fears the Lord, who walks in his ways. You shall eat the fruit of the labour of your hands, you shall be blessed, and it shall be well with you.

There is an absolute promise here, isn’t there, in the Psalm, straight to us. Everyone who fears the Lord, that’s us. We are looking to God in reverence fear. We are saying you are our eternal God and we will serve you and you deserve our worship.

And we are choosing to walk the way of God. We are choosing to take in his words, to apply them to our lives, to understand what it is that Jesus asked of us and to do it.

And the Psalm continues, you are going to eat the fruit of the labour of your hands. But of course this is conditional, isn’t it? There’ll be no fruit of the labour of our hands if we don’t labour. So part of our place in this world, in this creation, in this universe, is to do the work that God has given us to do.

He gave work to Adam and Eve right at the start. This is part of our duty to serve our God in our labour. And ultimately, if we are fearing the Lord, we’re walking in His ways, we are working in the way that He wants to work, there is every reason to expect that He will fulfil His promise to us and bless us. He wants us to work with Him and for Him, and He longs to bless us as we do that.

We do, as obedient children, have to knuckle down and do what our dad is asking us to do. But let us be assured, again, that in this way we will be blessed and it will be well with us. It will be well with our souls.

Thank you, God, for your bounty towards us. Thank you for these promises. Thank you that your yoke is easy, your burden is light and you God want to bless us abundantly. We’re so grateful. Amen.

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