We’re not that great – Romans 3:23 | 2-minute daily bible meditation


Understanding Humility Through Romans 3:23

Through Romans 3:23 we focus on Paul the Apostle’s reminder that all have si… (visit YouTube for more)


Do you think that you’re better than other people? Do I? Paul the Apostle has a message for us today. It’s in Romans chapter 3 verse 23. For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.

We know that God is glorious. We know that God is holy and he asks us to be holy like he is. Which can only happen because he fills us with his Spirit.

But we all sin, and we all fall short of His glory. I mean, it’s not possible for us to be as glorious or as perfect as God is. And Paul reminds us, therefore, that we shouldn’t get above ourselves. That we shouldn’t be looking around at others thinking, they’ve sinned in that way, so I’m better than them.

Because no, my friend, you’ve sinned too, and so have I. We are all so far short of the standard that God sets just by his existence, that there’s really no comparison between us. We’re like all down here on a spectrum of bad to good, and God’s way off the charts. And so the difference between us can’t really be measured.

Now this is not to say that we can’t recognise sin and look to correct it in our lives, and if we are spiritually responsible and accountable for others, seek to help them to correct it in their lives too. It’s just a reminder that we are all sinners, and we are all saved.

So let us not be looking to suggest that there are great differences between us and anyone else. We’re all in need of the Saviour.

God, though we can never achieve your standards by our own effort, we thank you that the blood of Christ covers all our sins and you see us as clean and righteous before you. Please help us then to be humble in all our dealings with others, knowing that there’s nothing of our own effort that makes us righteous before you. Amen.

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