Waiting for God? – Habakkuk 2:3 | 2-minute daily bible meditation


Waiting on God’s Perfect Timing: A Reflection on Habakkuk 2:3

Meditating on Habakkuk 2:3, we explore the theme of waiti… (visit YouTube for more)


Sometimes it feels like we’re waiting a long time for God to move, doesn’t it? But God reassures us in this verse which we meditate on today. Habakkuk chapter 2 verse 3. "For still the vision awaits its appointed time. It hastens to the end. It will not lie. If it seems slow, wait for it. It will surely come, it will not delay."

And this is making reference to a vision that’s been revealed to Habakkuk the prophet. We know that what God has said He will do, but He’ll do it in His time, not ours, because Him, knowing all things, knows when the best time is. We don’t.

So unfortunately, this calls for great patience on our part. Fortunately, patience is part of the Fruit of the Spirit, so we can be sure that if we ask God to grow the Fruit of the Spirit in us, He we will grow in patience, which will help us in waiting for God’s timing.

But we can take heart that the things that God has said, He will do. That the things that He’s revealed to us, He may have revealed something personally to you, that’s not written down in scripture, but which has been confirmed by other witnesses, and which has not yet happened.

Be patient. Wait for the Lord. Wait prayerfully, knowing that in the right time he will bring about his purposes.

Thank you, God, that you reveal things to us, that you reveal what you are going to do, sometimes ahead of time. And thank you that we can trust you to do what you said you will do in the right time at the best possible opportunity.

God, you know the beginning from the end. And we don’t. And you know we find that difficult. But thank you for the reassurance you give us. Thank you for the love that you show us. And thank you that your purposes will be fulfilled. And you will not delay. Amen.

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