The privilege of age – Titus 2:2 | 2-minute daily bible meditation


Growing Older Gracefully: Lessons from Titus 2

In this episode, we explore how Christians can grow older gracefully, gu… (visit YouTube for more)


How should we as Christians grow older gracefully? Paul has some ideas about that in Titus chapter 2. This is verse 2. Older men are to be sober minded, dignified, self controlled, sound in faith, in love, and in steadfastness.

For most of us, there are people younger than us. And so we, as the older ones, set an example, or we should set an example, to those younger than us. And these are the characteristics we should be displaying if we are living godly lives, if we are allowing the Holy Spirit to change us, if we are not resisting the will of God in our lives.

Sober mindedness. Not reacting or overreacting. Being dignified, carrying ourselves as children of God in everything that that means for us. We have value and we have a duty as children not to bring the gospel into disrepute, not to bring our Heavenly Father into disrepute.

Being self controlled. Often easier said than done. Being sound in faith. So by this time in our life, if we’ve been Christians for a long time at least, we should have started to learn some of these lessons of faith that enable us to walk steadily and be an example to others.

And also proceeding in love and in steadfastness, so we are consistent, we are loving, we are compassionate to those around us. What does it look like to you to grow old in God’s grace?

It’s worth meditating on all of this, isn’t it? And you’ll find the text of the verse in the description, as ever.

Thank you, God, for your word. Thank you that you have set us examples to aspire to. But thank you, Lord, you don’t leave us alone to try and become all these things ourselves.

You have given us the Holy Spirit to work in us, to grow his fruit, to turn us into older people who are sober minded, dignified, self controlled, sound in faith, in love, and in steadfastness for the sake of your gospel. Amen.

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