The origin of justice – Jeremiah 9:24 | 2-minute daily bible meditation


Understanding God’s Love, Justice, and Righteousness – A Reflection on Jeremiah 9:24

In this episode, we consider the p… (visit YouTube for more)


Principles of righteousness and justice have to come from somewhere, don’t they? We can make them up, or we can go to the best source. Let’s look at and meditate on Jeremiah 9: 24. "But let him who boasts, boast in this, that he understands and knows me, that I am the Lord, who practices steadfast love, justice, and righteousness in the earth, for in these things I delight, declares the Lord."

So wherever steadfast and true love, wherever justice, wherever real righteousness is practiced in the earth, God is delighted by that. God delights to see good. He delights to see good in us, whether we’re Christians or non-Christians.

Justice. Right judgments. Like in court or between friends. Right judgments please God.

And the Bible generally tells us not to boast, but we can boast about God. And the reason we can boast about God is because of His character. Our God is truly righteous. All goodness comes from Him.

And we know Him. We know God. That is a reason to boast.

Our God is a good God, and he promotes and extends justice into the earth. This fallen earth, which experiences injustice and unrighteousness still has justice and righteousness in it. And that is because God is still working. God has not been thwarted. His purposes will prevail.

God’s love is steadfast towards us his people. That is a reason to celebrate. We have a good God who truly loves us.

Thank you, God that rather than serving a wicked, capricious master, we can serve you. You who are loving and just and righteous. These are all characteristics that we aspire to and which we appreciate in you. God, you’re the best. Amen.

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