Sow Generosity, Reap Love: The Ripple Effect of Kindness #meditation #love #kindness #dailybible


Sowing Generosity and Love: A Path to a Bountiful Harvest

In this inspirational message, we learn the importance of sow… (visit YouTube for more)


What we sow grows. If we sow generosity, if we sow love, that will be reproduced around us. To reap a bountiful harvest, we must sow bountifully. Does that make sense?

God has put things in our hands for us to use for his glory and for his kingdom. Let’s do that.

Father God, you have sown bountifully into us. You have given us the Holy Spirit, the best gift to grow his fruit in our lives, in our character. May we also now sow bountifully around us with the generosity that you have shown us. Amen.

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